FX04 Doesn't Work
Choose your problem

Question 1: Is your key not fitting your scooter?
Answer 1: Two different keys are provided with the product: one is for locking the battery, and the other is for starting the scooter.
Question 2: Is your battery running out quickly?
Answer 2: If your battery is depleting rapidly even when it's fully charged, it may be nearing the end of its lifespan or has already expired, and you'll need to replace it. To extend your battery life while your product is in storage, please disconnect the connection cables.
Question 3: Do you believe your battery is not charging?
Answer 3: When you connect your charger to the battery, if you see the charger lights up blue or red instead of green, then your charger is functioning. If the indicator remains green, your battery is not charging, indicating that it needs to be replaced.
Question 1: Do you believe that your motors or motor are not functioning correctly?
Answer 1: Generally, these models experience very rare motor issues. You can lift the rear of your scooter into the air and provide power from the throttle to identify which motor is not working or running slowly. If the issue is still there please contact technical support and provide them with a video of the problem for further assistance.
Cable & Assembly
Question 1: Do you believe your throttle is not functioning?
Answer 1: If there is excessive play when you turn the throttle, or if the throttle does not return to its position after releasing it, or if it seems to be slow in responding to your commands, you may need to replace your throttle.
Question 2: Is your dashboard not working?
Answer 2: If you have checked all the connections on your dashboard and still have no power, and you are certain that your battery is fully charged, you may need to replace the power cable between the handlebar and the battery.
Question 1: Is the seat mechanism not fitting properly?
Answer 1: When folding your seat, you need to pull the red lever on the right or left side. Before folding, make sure to remove the battery. If you encounter difficulty in folding, ensure that the screws are tightened correctly. If everything appears to be in order but you still face difficulties, it's possible that the frame of your product may be damaged.
Question 2: Is there visible damage to your product?
Answer 2: If the frame or any other part of your product is bent or broken, it needs to be replaced with a new one.
Question 1: Are you experiencing issues with wheel rotations?
Answer 1: Wheel axle bending is a common issue, typically occurring in the front wheels. Determine which side's axle is bent and replace it. This problem is specific to the front wheels.
Question 2: Do you hear clicking sounds from your front wheels?
Answer 2: If you hear this sound, check for any breakage or cracks in your front wheels. If there doesn't seem to be a problem with your wheels, the ball bearing systems inside your rims may have been damaged and require replacement.
Question 3: Is your handlebar facing the wrong direction?
Answer 3: To correct the handlebar's alignment, you need to loosen the nut closest to the front wheels, allowing access to the screw inside the handlebar. Loosen this screw, adjust the handlebar to the correct position, then tighten the screw and secure the nut.
Question: Do you believe your charger is not working?
Answer: If the LED lights on your charger are green when you plug it in and your indicator lights are not working, your charger is defective, and you need to replace it with a new one. If the LED lights on your charger are blue or red during the charging process, it means your charger is functioning.